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Hey Bo$$ Babe,

Here's The Truth About Money: it's energy... and yea you've probably heard that before, but what exactly does that mean and how do you use that info to get some!? It means that in order for you to bring greater and greater amounts of it into your life, you've got to FEEL abundant, wealthy, and capable. You've got to BELIEVE that you ARE a Bo$$ A$$ babe commanding massive wealth into your existence every day. Once you make this shift, you will be shown new opportunities and inspiration around every corner, leading you to an abundant, free, exquisite life!

Become a vibrational match to wealth and start Rollin' In Dough!

Ready To Open Yourself Up To Limitless Abundance? Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck? Do you believe that it IS possible to attract the abundance you desire and deserve? Have you been feeling like everything you want is just out of reach? Honestly, I get it! And I'm here to remind you that it is OKAY to desire wealth. And you know what else? You DESERVE it! But it's not enough to just script or recite affirmations. This takes a total overhaul of your beliefs and thoughts about money! Together we'll uncover the programming that keeps you stuck in lack and insecurity. If you've been feeling unworthy, undeserving, and like there just isn't enough to make ends meet... Then I present ... Rollin' In Dough! Your ticket to Money Mastery!

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Make Money Just By Doing What You Love...

There are a million ways to create a product. There are a million ways to sell your services. There are a million ways to build a brand. But your ideal client won’t buy from you until you put the right offer in front of their face. You need the systems. You need the mindset. You need the people. Nail all 3, and you become the go-to, obvious choice to your clients. The one they WANT to pay JUST so they can be in your energy.🤩 The one they immediately think of whenever they desire a solution to their problems. You are the authority, You have the answer. Hiring you is a no-brainer!! Introducing, Monetize Your Dreams: Deluxe!


Your Empire Starts HERE...

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Your Dreams

Your Dreams


Affirmations to Manifest


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Abundance Collection
VIBES by Roxy

Become a Conduit for Wealth & Abundance and vibrate to the frequency of MORE THAN ENOUGH!💰Here is your key to the door of infinite possibility…  Command wealth to replenish and multiply in your presence like magic. Be your own genie, and grant all of your own wishes! 

Jam out for hours to upbeat, wealth-building, musical compositions, recite daily the Rollin In Dough affirmations to rewire your brain for wealth, enjoy breaking down your barriers to abundance with the fun, money-building exercises in the Money Story Activity Book, and connect to your infinite source of prosperity within!



Manifest Money Fast and Easy
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check the BLOG TO HELP YOU MANIFEST        


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