Hi Dreamers & Soul Searchers!
I'm super pumped about the THIRD reading selection for the Roxy Talks Book Club: The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks. I'm in awe of the concepts in this book, I couldn't put it down! If you joined me for Mindset Monday on August 16th, 2021 - then you heard me RAVE on and on about it since these concepts were applicable to many of the questions I received. It's a GAME CHANGER! Learn to conquer hidden fears and limiting beliefs and take a huge LEAP into a life of greatness!
Personally, this book has already changed my life. I want to know what it does for you!
Let's discuss!

I'm so excited to hear about your enthusiasm for The Big Leap! It sounds like a transformative read, and I love how it's resonated with your journey. Conquering hidden fears and limiting beliefs is definitely a game changer—just like making impactful changes in our living spaces!
Speaking of transformations, if you’re considering upgrades, installing uPVC windows Glasgow can make a big difference in your home’s comfort and energy efficiency. Just as this book encourages us to take bold steps, investing in quality windows can elevate your living environment.
Can’t wait to hear how the book impacts you and your journey! Let's chat more about it
I just finished Chapter 6 and I laughed at the discussion about Time Cops VS Time Slackers. I am the former for sure - currently in recovery. I used to be SO scheduled and I would get really upset when anyone interfered with those plans. That was a decade ago. I've learned how to really go with the flow. I love the idea that WE are the source of time and we create it. I'm still wrapping my head around this and have decided to go on the "No complaints about time" diet. Has anyone done this? I would love to hear your results? Do we have any other Time Cops here?
Excellent read! Makes so much sense. Bravo!!!
been reading before work and on my lunch break - keeping me in an extra good vibration at work. Feeling the joy of the whole journey rather than waiting to be satisfied for the future. As I read, it feels like a truth so obvious that it goes unnoticed. I really like this book club forum - this was a good idea :)
Hendricks’ The Big Leap introduces its readers to the unconscious limits they put on themselves. Hendricks coins this as the Upper Limited Problem (the “ULP”) in its earlier chapters. The book is thought-provoking. It provides critical insight into the ULP in other people’s lives and provides the knowledge to allow the reader to perform their own ULP autopsy. I didn’t realise that my pattern of behaviour and thinking was actively keeping abundance out of my life. As I began to resonate with this idea more, I noticed that this is the issue that the 360 Approach attempted to tackle.
The book is incredible! And when read in tandem with your resources, it provides for limitless potential. Although, I would like to comment that there are too many capitalisations in the book for my liking which may have the tendency to create new definitions which we should seek to break. For example, the capitalisation of the “Upper Limit Problem” could lead some readers to place undue weight on the notion, thus leading them down a spiral of self-doubt. I feel that only diligent and careful readers will realise that placing emphasis on the problem will beget more problems, whereas newbies to LOA may struggle with this concept and criticise themselves too much (I only speak from experience with the LOA community).
In order to overcome the ULP, we must remember that the law of attraction is easy and always working out for us. Even when we find ourselves committing manifestational sins (i.e. emotional outbursts, reaction to the 3D world), we must bring to the forefront of our conscience that these acts do not majorly inhibit us from our manifestations.
As mentioned on yesterday's Mindset Monday I've finished reading (listening to) & working through The Big Leap & discovered my genius!! My genius is creativity & imagination. Running free in imagination & play. Growing up as a child I would be off in the woods somewhere with nothing but a wooden sword & my imagination whilst the other kids where off playing football (soccer). I loved & was always inspired by movies such as Star Wars & the Lord of the Rings. In an afternoon of play I'd lived in the world of my imagination, adventured as the Hero, I always got the girl (I always get the girl/SP) & won the day. When other kids joined in they would live in my world & follow my lead. My Superpower; I empower & inspire greatness in others through empowering myself in my own greatness. I inspire others to rise to their full potential through the focus of my wonderful, limitless & creative imagination. So, with that, I've decided to break through my upper limiting barriers & give 110% into becoming an Oscar Award Winning Actor!! Do some modelling along the way & continue to coach others to greatness as I am now. I had a session with you back in January 2020 which was the first stepping stone in this past chapter of personal growth. The Big Leap being the final step (thanks for the recommendation) in this chapter. I've been following you podcast & workshops ever since that session. As I mentioned I've spent the past week almost completely self absorbed & I feel a massive identity shift from boy to man. I've never felt more myself. I AM the Leading Man. I appreciate you @Roxy Lee.
Thank you for the recommendation! I got this book on audio and my first thoughts were, "Roxy, has taught me this already...." Haha...but in all seriousness, it's a fantastic book and it opened my eyes to the fact that I have been sabotaging my dreams. There is a part of me that feels unworthy obviously and now I know what to look out for. I have a dream to be my own boss and work from home creating and selling my art (I make hair accessories and am dabbling in designing notebooks, etc. for Amazon's drop shipping service..they print and mail the books I design if people purchase and I get a small cut from each book sold).
Although, I have always stood firm in my dream/belief that, "by the time I'm 40 years old, I will be working from home... (I'm 37)," I have not taken it as seriously as I should have and this book has opened my eyes to it. I will no longer be sabotaging myself and when I'm 40 years old, y'all will be hearing from me while working from home! Haha! Funny enough, it was just before I started listening to this book that I finally made the decision to give my boss (who I love and I love my place of work, the people...just no longer feeling the job itself because I want to do my art full time) a 10 month notice. June 31st, 2022, I will be without my day job whether I like it or not and by then, I will be working from home. Talk about taking a big leap. LOL.
This book. THIS. BOOK. I am resisting the urge to fly through it because I really want to grasp the information.
I bought it for Kindle when you mentioned it before but I was already reading another book, but when you were talking about it on this week's podcast I knew I had to read it. By page 5 of the introduction I knew I had to commit myself to reading this until the end.
I had been having what I call a "down week". It always comes right after I hit a peak - all of my goals are going super well, I'm on top of my game, on top of the world even. I'm unstoppable, I'm proud of myself. And then the down week comes. I'm exhausted, I don't feel like working on my goals. Everything feels like way too much effort. Everything is "meh". I am "meh". And I've been asking myself "why am I like this?" Why can't I keep that momentum?
I thought "maybe I need to affirm that I can keep the momentum". But then again maybe I need the rest and I just need to lean into it. The first option felt impossible and the second made me feel sad.
After beginning to read this, it makes sense. The biggest lightbulb went off in my head reading Chapter 1. It makes so much sense now. It's funny because someone said to me once "It's like you can't allow yourself to be happy. As soon as something goes really good, you start looking for a reason to cancel it out" and I got super mad about that. I guess I wasn't ready to hear that at the time.
Like, I even do it with video games. I'll spend ages grinding to get to a high level and then get this urge to wipe my progress and completely restart from the very beginning. Go figure, eh?
I can't wait to read the rest of the book and finally defeat this pattern of running full speed and then pulling back on the reins once I start pulling ahead in the race. And finally do what my soul has been calling me to do my entire life.
In summary: great book. Totally enjoying it. 😁
I’m only on page 5 and I’m hooked already!!